Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I'll come right out with it: Troy and I are not photogenic. We tried taking some "love" pictures, but it just didn't work. In fact, this is Troy after he realized how bad we looked in our pictures:

So I decided to take a less conventional route. You could say this picture represents how much we really must love each other. I love to eat croutons as snacks and Troy is a green olive fan. Neither leave us smelling too great, but we still stick around and endure the unpleasantness.

The trick with this picture was the lighting. I played with about three different sources before finding something that didn't leave too many glares or wash out the colors.


dust and kam said...

Ruthanne, you crack me up! I love it! Yeah, we aren't photogenic either... but good job for trying. :) I love the Croutons and Olives! That is great! :) Very, very good job!

Lindsay said...

green olives! yuck!

Ruth said...

Lindsay, you're not kidding. But I promise the black ones are good.