Friday, January 4, 2008

363 Pictures

Kamie is my inspiration. What more can I say. After buying our digital camera last year, I don't really do much with it and really want to get better at photography. My dad has super expensive and super fancy cameras that he's gotten quite good with, so why not challenge myself a little and follow in his footsteps? Maybe I'll get Troy involved, but don't count on it. :)

The goal is to post a picture every day, each day with a different technique, subject, whatever. Dustyn and Kamie have a schedule all worked out, so I'll follow it. Although I think I'll be a day behind because I need Dustyn's expertise to explain what the techniques and compositions are. Thank goodness for people who know what they're doing.

Who's ready for some fun? Feel free to play along. Just let me know your blog address I'll add you to my list.

1 comment:

dust and kam said...

YAY!!! I am so excited!! Your the best!! :)