Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Photo Of Choice
I know these photos aren't really great, but the subject is what matters to me the most. This is my life. This is us, chillin' in the hospital with Mom.

Sorry World
Who knows if anyone even looks at this any more! My mom's been sick and I've been consumed with that (even though I'm nearly 700 miles away from her) and haven't been a good poster. I haven't even taken pictures in the last month. However, before the bottom fell out I'd done some thinking ahead, so I'll post the topics I have pictures for and skip the ones I don't have (i.e. the hard ones). No promises on how regular I'll be in the future, but I'm trying. Oh, and I DID get a tripod for Valentine's day so maybe I can keep the bad shakes out of some of my future pics.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Yes, I'm early. I figured it's about time I was ahead of the game. Today was also a great picture today, even though I was constantly worried I'd run out of power before getting the perfect shot.
For light I could always post another of my abundant sky photos, but I'll spare you and shake it up a bit. Today I was visiting my mother-in-law and was struck by the brightness and shadows as the sunlight filtered into the room and fell on her antique sewing machine. I think it created a nice effect.

As I was thinking about this theme, I was having a hard time coming up with an idea because when I thought reflection I thought mirror. That wasn't working for me. Finally I realized I could use the water in the swimming pool for a reflection. Didn't work too well, either. Then as I was walking around the golf course today, I discovered the pond (complete with ducks) was a great option. The breeze--and the ducks--made the watera little choppy, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Photo Of Choice
Should we see how many of my photos of choice are of the sky? Sorry. The sky is one of my favorite things about living in the desert. Even when there are no clouds in the sky, the sunsets are so colorful. Good stuff.

I like how the colors turned out in these. The varying shades of green scream spring to me. Next time I'll get less sky (rule of thirds, you know).

I had planned on taking a picture of the RVs lined up in one of the parks in town, but couldn't get a good shot. However, I think this is an example of a monster vehicle. This thing probably cost more than 5/6 of the houses in town then add the gas it takes to run it. Crazy. I wish I could have got a shot a whole row of them.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008

I haven't been around kids for a while, so I had to go into the vault. These are my nieces and nephew at Thanksgiving. I had a few candids, but isn't this what kids do? Half of them put on nice smiles and look adorable and half cheese it and look at the pictures 20 years later and think "Oh goodness." Funny kids. Gotta love 'em.
Photo of Choice

This is a pretty common sunset in Blythe. I was driving around looking for general photo inspiration when I turned the corner and saw this. I really like the silhouette of the trees against the sky. Is it cheating to photoshop? I dimmed the foreground to highlight the colors in the sky more. Why not? This is more true to what I remember the scene being anyway. It was pretty dark. :)
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