Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Photo Of Choice

I know these photos aren't really great, but the subject is what matters to me the most. This is my life. This is us, chillin' in the hospital with Mom.

Obviously I didn't take the pics since I'm in them . . .

White on White

Okay, so I know these aren't totally white, but close enough.


Ha ha. This picture is so bad. Oh well, now you can see my Curtis eyes and clumpy mascara.

Sorry World

Who knows if anyone even looks at this any more! My mom's been sick and I've been consumed with that (even though I'm nearly 700 miles away from her) and haven't been a good poster. I haven't even taken pictures in the last month. However, before the bottom fell out I'd done some thinking ahead, so I'll post the topics I have pictures for and skip the ones I don't have (i.e. the hard ones). No promises on how regular I'll be in the future, but I'm trying. Oh, and I DID get a tripod for Valentine's day so maybe I can keep the bad shakes out of some of my future pics.