Saturday, January 19, 2008


Photo Of Choice
Should we see how many of my photos of choice are of the sky? Sorry. The sky is one of my favorite things about living in the desert. Even when there are no clouds in the sky, the sunsets are so colorful. Good stuff.

I like how the colors turned out in these. The varying shades of green scream spring to me. Next time I'll get less sky (rule of thirds, you know).

I had planned on taking a picture of the RVs lined up in one of the parks in town, but couldn't get a good shot. However, I think this is an example of a monster vehicle. This thing probably cost more than 5/6 of the houses in town then add the gas it takes to run it. Crazy. I wish I could have got a shot a whole row of them.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008

Photo of Choice

Black and White
Modern--I've Finally Given Up

Yes, I know. I'm behind. I blame this stupid picture. I actually took this on the modern day, but really don't like it so I kept looking for something better but didn't find anything. Finally I decided that if I'm posting 365 pictures, not all of them have to be perfect and perfectly astounding. So here you go. My grainy lame excuse for a modern photo.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Aging or Old

I'm sure some of it has to do with my camera, but I know I have to take some of the blame for the fuzz that appears in all my photos. This was the only side shot I took--lots of straight on views, but I didn't like any of them as much as this. Maybe I'll tackle it again tomorrow before I put all the books back.
Another's Perspective

I tried to get some good ones at the grocery store, but between the funny looks and the fuzzy images, it didn't work out.

So I decided to take a less conventional route. You could say this picture represents how much we really must love each other. I love to eat croutons as snacks and Troy is a green olive fan. Neither leave us smelling too great, but we still stick around and endure the unpleasantness.
The trick with this picture was the lighting. I played with about three different sources before finding something that didn't leave too many glares or wash out the colors.
Complete Stranger

Yes, yes, I'm a little behind. I tell ya, this stranger thing was tricky. I wanted to make this picture focus on the human element, but that's very difficult to achieve because a) people don't act the same when they're being photographed and b) people don't like being photographed by a complete stranger. In fact, as I was sneaking pictures while standing in the super-crowded supermarket line, one of my friends caught me and asked if I was doing surveillence. Oops, I had some explaining to do.
Anyway, I chose this one because of the body language in the picture. It's hard to make your body hide the fact that you are frustrated the express lane is not.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Photo Of Choice


Rule of Thirds

So I'm playing catch up a little. Obviously I didn't take this during 2008 because Richfield is now frozen and there are no leaves on the trees; I took this last summer. Between the water tower, mountains and sunset, I think this is a good "thirds" pick. I'm sure it's hard to see, but I also love how you can see the depth in the mountains, like one layer stacked on another. Yay for summer sunsets!
363 Pictures
The goal is to post a picture every day, each day with a different technique, subject, whatever. Dustyn and Kamie have a schedule all worked out, so I'll follow it. Although I think I'll be a day behind because I need Dustyn's expertise to explain what the techniques and compositions are. Thank goodness for people who know what they're doing.
Who's ready for some fun? Feel free to play along. Just let me know your blog address I'll add you to my list.